Below are some straightforward tips to make baby photographs the envy of family and friends and will allow you to keep unforgettable moments forever:
Have the camera always at hand
If you just had a baby, you may now have more time to be with the newborn. Although the attentions they require do not allow you to spend too much time on toddler photography, you will not lack moments when you can make good use of your camera.
Keep the camera close at hand. Instead of having it stored in a closet, if you can, leave it somewhere in the room where you spend the most time, where it does not disturb, but it is within your reach. It can be in the living room or the dining room.
Having your camera on hand and with the battery well loaded you can make much more photos than if you have the camera saved and you have to get up for it when you want to take pictures.
Make Many, Many Photos
A newborn baby changes day by day when he is few months old. For those who live with him, the changes are inept, but when a person sees them less frequently, he/she notices changes from week to week.
Do not hesitate to take pictures of babies continuously. Although all photos may look the same, you will eventually discover what your child had changed in the past by reviewing the old photos.
Change the View
Run away from the traditional point of view where you hold your standing position erect, with the camera at eye level.
Lower to the height where the baby is, or even stand below it. Being at height, you will get much more interesting plans.
Come closer
Do not be afraid to make first plans. Get close to everything your camera allows you.
You can approach with your camera or, if you have a good zoom, use long focal points to get everything closer without having to be too close to the baby.
Using these long focal lengths will avoid the annoying distortions that can occur when you get too close to the camera using shorter focal lengths.
Focus the Eyes
If you are removing the baby’s face, do not forget, as in any portrait, to focus on the eyes.
The element that is most focused in new born baby photo shoot is that which attracts attention, and the eyes are the element that most sensations transmit in a face.
Focus on Some Detail of Your Body
Babies are only small and fragile. A particular way to do new born photography is to focus on the detail. One hand, one foot, one ear. Working in macro mode, if your camera or your target allows, it will allow you to focus on those little details that might otherwise go unnoticed in a conventional portrait.
Allow yourself the luxury of making many photos, and once you have the most classic, focus on macros of different details of your body. You can get fascinating photographs and even make compositions or collages with several photos.
Test in Black and White
Black and white photography has a special charm. Do not stop working black and white on your photos
Baby photographer makes photos in color and then later converts them to black and white. Even if your camera allows it if you use the black and white or sepia mode of the camera you will be losing information that you may need when taking the photo.